Category: learnings

Following your dream…

… by building it on your own – one short example Today it is not about my goals or dreams but about a music artists’ dream. On 14th of May I treated myself with a classical concert. Did not do that for a long time for many reason, mostly because of “I have no time”. […]

Bumble Bee Boxing

On creativity and reframing – or: decent structuring of chaos time with timeboxes Some days ago I had a very valuable discussion with one of my colleagues who is very passionate about using timeboxing appropriately and wisely. He also said that timeboxes can be used to be sure to "not forget about time". You have […]

Start with what you have

Two short stories about passion, focus, eating my own dogfood & having valuable connections The last couple of days I stumbled over starting (or dealing) with what I have in its best sense and in multiple variations. Today I share two of these little stories: Passion for work The first story on starting with what […]

OOP2017 – Details matter

My personal (short) review Being at OOP 2017 in Munich was a great experience – not just because I had the chance to speak there and share my thoughts on softskills for tech people with my session on ‘interhuman debugging’ (in German). Of course, speaking at OOP was a great experience on its own. Being […]

Nachlese PM Camp Dornbirn

Was ich über das Unterscheiden und das Trennen gelernt habe… und noch mehr… (picture credits: Joachim Schlosser, license: CC BY-SA) Am Fr/Sa 18./19.11.2016 war ich Teilgeberin beim PM Camp Dornbirn. Dornbirn ist quasi die “Mutter” der PM Camp Bewegung, die mittlerweile in vielen Städten europaweit Unkonferenzen zum weiten Themenkomplex Projektmanagement auf die Beine stellt. In […]

Pro-Action Café

Art of Hosting – a full evening long] (picture credits: Frits Ahlefeldt, license: CC BY-NC-ND) Yesterday I attended an evening full of meaningful conversations at Bregenzer Salon in – you guess it – Bregenz (Lake of Constance). The evening was based on methods and elements from the Art of Hosting and the main part was […]

Mindful communication – Using the language of your counterpart

Lately I had different occasions where I got in contact with creating & using a new terminology. These made me think about how mindfulness and communication play together when focusing on language and terminology. Software rebranding: introduce a new terminology One was the rebranding of a software I am working on. Almost everything is now […]

Retrospective insights: Doing an amazon-like review of your sprint

Or: Condensing a couple of weeks to stars and a catchline… Last time I blogged about team retrospectives I presented my first experience with the Zombie Retro Format. Today is about the “Amazon Review”, an activity for setting the stage contributed by Christian Heißing to the Retromat. Btw: The retromat website project created by Corinna Baldauf […]

Software Craftsmanship – Craftsman Swaps & Agile?

Auf den Begriff Craftsman Swap bin ich das erste Mal durch Nicole Rauch aufmerksam geworden, die ich auf dem MATHEMA Campus 2015 in Erlangen kennenlernte. Ursprünglich kommt der Begriff aus der Welt des Software Craftsmanship wo es vor allem um Professionalisierung unseres Berufsstandes geht; dazu gehört unter anderem auch professioneller Austausch der “Handwerker” untereinander sowie […]