Month: June 2018

Harvest, rest and celebrate…

… and possibly take some writing pause The last weeks were just crazily filled with learning, travelling, conferences, more people work, studying… and living. The little space inbetween I tried to use for resting – even if that meant breaking my rhythm to blog at least once a month. Harvest! As I really want to […]

Workshop on “Managing the system, not the people” @AgileTable Friedrichshafen [*DE]

(*DE) this is an adjusted German re-post of my original write-up on the German professional network XING) Am 7. Juni 2018 durften wir mit der inzwischen 3. Kooperation des Agile Table ( und der Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement (GPM) bei der Firma Avira in Tettnang zu Gast sein. Herzlichen Dank an Martina und Markus von Avira […]

Agile Austria 2018 in Graz

A personal review and some (speaker’s) impressions As part of the review team I was already being involved for quite some time with Agile Austria. Now in May 2018 the time to actually travel to Graz had finally come. After some days of holiday in Vienna I arrived in the beautiful city of Graz – […]