That task “make an entry page for all-things-journaling” has been sleeping long enough on my personal backlog-ish list. After my first remote talk in 2020 at Agile Monday Nueremberg (#AMNUE) I did a crazy thing: I JUST STARTED this page. 😉
Expect frequent changes to happen here. Some topics will (and have already) evolve into separate articles or pages.
As always, I love to hear your feedback, requests and thoughts – leave a comment or contact me over one of the channels you find on my business page

Related articles available on my blog
The most popular articles are:
- my series on journaling (start here)
- the one about habit building in the context of journaling
- my series with 10 reasons on Why NOT to start Bullet Journaling (start here)
Also, I suggest to have a look at the articles in following tags:
- journaling:
- habits:
- retrospectives:
Within those tags I already shared a bunch of thoughts and experiences about journaling. Also there are some pitfalls I dealt with successfully good enough during my journaling journey.
On the different journaling variants
I created a separate article on the question: What type of journaling book should I choose (first)? Read it here:
It aims to help you choose a (new) journaling book or decide to try out a different style – because different situations in life, different contexts and different experiences require different, individual approaches.
Possible Journals to start with…

Type ‘Guided free-style’
- BulletJournal:
- THE book: Carroll, Ryder; The Bullet Journal Method – Track the past, order the present, design the future; 2018
- (didn’t use this myself so far and got it recommended so many times by e.g. participants in my sessions that I share it here as well)
Type ‘Semi-structured’
- [Klarheit Journal]
- [The6minDiary] The 6-minute-diary ( with solid psychological intro/foundation
- [Dr Nic Hooper] The Diary for Valued Action
SOME impulses for ‘freestyle journaling’
- Scrum Master’s Diary / Manager’s Diary - How I care for me & How we care for us as a team (indivdual or team freestyle journaling exercise). Here’s a free “taster” for that exercise (link to UPCOMING blog article).
- Dr. Nic Hooper’s ‘The Diary for Valued Action’ (see section above on semi-structured journals) also contains a lot of suggestions that trigger regular written reflection
You want MORE on journaling?
Here’s a (German) podcast with me…
Earlier in 2020 I had the pleasure to be a guest in Marc Loeffler’s Passionate Teams Podcast. Unfortunately for non-German speakers, it is in German language. And you can tune in here:

Related (and highly recommendable) Books
- The Essentials of Theory U (C. Otto Scharmer)
- relation: why journaling is helpful for systems
- “our capacity to PAY attention co-shapes the world”
- it “addresses the blind-spot of leadership in our world”
- please buy it at your local bookstore (or support e.g.
- relation: why journaling is helpful for systems
- The User’s Guide to the Human Mind (Shawn T. Smith, PsyD)
- relation to journaling:
- lightweight and scientific foundation for mental work (where journaling techniques is ONE part… and there are a whole lot other “mental hacks” for our health and joy in life :-))
- lots of mental practise invitations
- please buy it at your local bookstore (or support e.g.
- relation to journaling:
Still not “satisfied”?
Drop me some lines at mail (at) or get in touch via LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. I am happy to hear from you (and also offer my professional services – if you like).