Month: February 2017

The final disruption

Gedanken zum Umgang mit Tod & Trauer (in Teams) mit Elementen aus der Positiven Psychologie (Zeichung von Reinald Kirchner; Foto von Cosima Laube) Der Start auf der Play4Agile Ich bin immer wieder sehr positiv überrascht, wieviel Offenheit und Vertrauen in vermeintlich kurzer Zeit entstehen kann, wenn der passende Rahmen besteht und Menschen mit kompatiblen Wertesystemen […]

Mindfulness session @ Play4Agile 2017

Thoughts and sharings on mindfulness (picture credits: Cavinatto, license: Content License) At Play4Agile in 2017 (#p4a17 for short) there was a great Open Space Session on Mindfulness. Bettina Ruggeri and Armin Schubert initiated the session and there were a lot of other people contributing to it. The main question first was to collect […]

OOP2017 – Details matter

My personal (short) review Being at OOP 2017 in Munich was a great experience – not just because I had the chance to speak there and share my thoughts on softskills for tech people with my session on ‘interhuman debugging’ (in German). Of course, speaking at OOP was a great experience on its own. Being […]