My personal (short) review
Being at OOP 2017 in Munich was a great experience – not just because I had the chance to speak there and share my thoughts on softskills for tech people with my session on ‘interhuman debugging’ (in German). Of course, speaking at OOP was a great experience on its own. Being “just” my 3rd public speaking engagement, the positive feedback was overwhelming for me & I also loved the direct constructive feedback I got from a number of attendees as well as from a couple of more experienced speaker colleagues on how I can further improve my talks.
Feedback is so utterly important and so I’d like to point out the OOP nightschool workshop on this ‘hidden champion’ delivered by Martin Heider & Christine Neidhardt. Have a look at their slides or at my sketchnotes to get a glimpse what this workshop was about.
Talks, nightschools & workshops I attended to
While attending the talks & workshops as well as during discussing with other attendants afterwards, I learned a lot and gathered new insights. So here are most of the sessions I’ve been to, links to slides as well as other publicly available material and my (sketch)notes. This list basically serves me as a kind of “notepad” – and maybe you can also benefit from it. As there were German and English sessions this is mixed-language now. Anyway I wanted to share as much on international level as I could. 🙂
- Workshop: Die sieben Schritte zum Software-Retrofit – Hard- und Soft-Skills Hand in Hand
- speakers: Veronika Kotrba, Ralph Miarka, Thomas Ronzon, Henning Schwentner
- my sketchnotes: part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4
- Nightschool: Organisational Neurobiology and Fitness (Olaf Lewitz & Christine Neidhardt)
- [my sketchnotes]()
- Wie eine Organisation „Veränderung“ lernt (Markus Wittwer)
- Unpatchable: Living with a Vulnerable Implanted Device (Marie Moe)
- keynote description
- Marie Moe’s talk was just impressing for me. Cannot find other words.
- Schnelles Wachstum von 0 auf 25 Scrum-Teams – Was macht das mit Führungs- und Unternehmenskultur? (Oliver Zilken & Jens Maser)
- My own session on ‘Interhuman Debugging’ – Communication for nerds (in German: Zwischenmenschliches Debugging – KommunikationsĂĽberwachung mal anders)
- Warum die IT nicht um NewWork herumkommt (Johann-Peter Hartmann)
- Big Bang – IT ändert Kommunikation ändert Gesellschaft (Johannes Mainusch)
- Zum Schulabschluss mit VoIP (Sarah Lichtenberg)
- links: web-individualschule
- Neuro-diversity & software development: Why tech needs all kinds of minds & how we can support them (Sal Freudenberg)
- Entzaubert die Flöte der modernen Rattenfänger! – oder: Die agile Gesellschaftsordnung (Thorsten Janning)
- Nightschool: Der Hidden Champion des Change: Feedback (Martin Heider & Christine Neidhardt)
- slides
- my sketchnotes
- hero feedback (a sort of feedback which I did not know yet & which really excited me)
- Evolving organizations using applied systems thinking (Hendrik Esser)
- slides
- our group’s workshop results (one great idea was: Feedbackathons)
- my sketchnotes
- Retro Powers and their Dangers (Fabian Schiller)
- 60 Minuten Disziplin (Rolf Draether & Holger Koschek)
- What Agile Software Development needs from Architects (Rebecca Wirfs-Brock)
- Cargo-Kulte in der IT (Gunter Dueck)
- Nightschool: Pecha Kucha – All night long! (Martin Heider & Christine Neidhardt)
- speaker lineup: Dave Farley, Michael Sperber, Thomas Ronzon, Johannes Mainusch, Ralf Kruse, Clare Sudbery, Holger Koschek, Rolf Dräther, Michael Mah, Olaf Lewitz, Stuart Fish, Melanie Wohnert, Dietmar Wohnert
- no sketchnotes at all – and big fun, many insights and much respect for all speakers to convey a message in 6min40sec
- photo of the Pecha Kucha speakers
- Workshop: Vom Scrum Master zum Agile Coach
- speaker: Christoph Mathis
- my notes: … upcoming …
I learned a lot & had plenty of valuable conversations with friends and new people.