Two short stories about passion, focus, eating my own dogfood & having valuable connections
The last couple of days I stumbled over starting (or dealing) with what I have in its best sense and in multiple variations. Today I share two of these little stories:
Passion for work
The first story on starting with what you have is about my new job as a Scrum Master. In our company we are not working “just” as a Scrum Master for a team but do also agile coaching working within the organisation. This is truly exciting and I already enjoy my job to the fullest; but as you can imagine there is a lot to learn, many people to get to know and things to explore.
I noticed that very evening when I leave the office, my brain seems to get another power boost and keeps sorting stuff, thinking & incubating new ideas, asking questions, etc.
To be able to leverage that I already tried several options: blogging/writing on my private laptop when I come home, type on my mobile on the ferry, take company laptop with me and start writing on the ferry, using a mindmapping tool. Nothing really made me content. Interestingly I always had a post-it and pencil with me while walking on the ferry crossing the lake… and I used it anyways… and brain kept working at home… .
Finally my thoughts were: Why not eating my own dogfood? I already inspected and adapted my behaviour in some ways. Now it’s time to adapt once again and start with what I have and use: pencil & paper.
Why not taking paper notes every evening?
“… but I want (to be able) to share my thoughts!” a voice yelled in me.
and more:
“I need something I can keep!”
Ok, so here’s my tuned approach which actually works since one week:
- have draft-paper with me on the ferry boat & start writing there (10min)
- take maximum 2 timeboxes (15min each) at home for further writing (30min)
- decide on the stuff to keep (and write/mindmap on a fresh piece of paper) on the next morning’s ferry ride (20min)
What I found really impressive: once I finally decided on doing so, it was soooo easy.
I take my needs serious. I honor the day. I ‘incubate’ new ideas. I started with what I have – instead of big upfront planning, putting stuff in digital form like mindmaps, blogposts, etc.
And maybe I’ll share some ideas out of the hand-written mindmaps within the next posts. Would you be interested?
The second one is about running and sharing things you may not consider worth sharing. The story is narrated quickly:
Easter Saturday it was rainy outside. My motivation to go out for running was unusually loooooow – anyway I wanted to go running. Actually I would have needed my friend & training partner pushing me a bit on that day (but she wasn’t available for a tour today).
Long story short: I went out for a run after a little mental pushing of twitter folks (sidenote: it is always a good idea to ask other runners, dog owners and friendly folks for help).
What a fun it was running a new tour… rain stopped and I even took some photos because it was so beautiful outside. When returning home, I shared some photos on twitter… and some wonderful people I meet on unconferences were just happy about that – because they needn’t go out for nice spring pictures. 🙂
What a success for all! (and a big thank you to Sabine, Waltraud, Werner, Thilo and Robert)