Category: share & care

Talk on ‘AgileChain – Innovate. Think. Do’ and Impromptu Networking experiment @ AgileTable Bodensee [*DE]

Liebe AgileTableBodensee-Community, vergangenen Montag durften wir mit dem 21. Agile Table Bodensee (in Kooperation mit der GPM Regionalgruppe FN) wieder bei der Firma Avira in Tettnang zu Gast sein. Avira unterstützt den AgileTable als Gastgeber mit grossartigen Räumlichkeiten, Verpflegung und perfekter Organisation nahezu seit Anbeginn in 2016. Herzlichen Dank dafür an Kim Ehrlinger und Loretta […]

Self-perception versus other people’s perception

An everyday story on setting the bar Lately I was running in the cold, early morning. On my way back I noticed that my hairdresser had already opened their store. Fact: Yes, I need to get my hair cut very soon. Then some interesting conversation between different parts in my head started. For now I […]

The Chocolate Bar

Did you ever buy yourself a chocolate bar and eat it? And did you smell the delicious chocolate before the first bit?Did you taste those many delicious nuances of cocoa on your tongue?Did you perceive how each piece of it is melting in your mouth?Did you maybe notice traces of cocoa butter visible onto the […]

On purposeful jewellery and living as an Agile Coach

A while ago I accidentally stumbled across the Eckhard-Busch-Stiftung by which is a German charity organisation aiming to support people impacted by mental health in different ways: through supporting research, families & friends and to make it okay to talk about mental health in our society. People with mental illnesses and in mental crisis’ are […]

Impulse talk on ‘Agile Productmanagement’ @ AgileTable Bodensee [*DE]

Zu unserem 20. Treffen des Agile Table Bodensee am 27. Mai 2019 haben wir zum ersten Mal über 100 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer begrüßen dürfen. Die bewährte Kooperation mit Sabine Rossbach von der GPM Regionalgruppe Friedrichshafen und das hochaktuelle Thema ‘Agiles Produktmanagement’ unseres Impulsgebers Prof. Dr. Jürgen Münch hat uns unerwartet viele Anmeldungen beschert – auch […]

Using the space that emerged wisely

About a month ago my 6-Minutes-Diary ran out of pages. One thing was crystal clear: I wanted to keep the journaling routine as it has value for different ‘customers’ of different ‘services’ in my life. In other words: establishing that habit and ‘making a vow’ worked really well. It didn’t take long to decide what […]

The streak – a story on habits, on bragging and on limiting beliefs

Recently I noticed a difference in something that is already a routine for me. At first, I didn’t spend much attention or even appreciation to that. Why? Yeah, because it appeared like a “small unimportant thing” for me. (sidenote: I learned that this kind of deprecational, judgemental thinking can contribute to serious health problems… but […]

OOP 2019 – Take care for the future

This year was already my third time at OOP ‘software meets business’ conference in Munich. I loved the mixture of “being back”, meeting a lot of “known faces” and also a couple of close friends as well as getting to know new people and establishing some new connections that might grow in the future. So […]

Change hurts!

On my first weeks with the 6-Minutes-Diary (…and three months later) The preceding post described in what situation I started out to use the 6-Minutes-Diary: needing a bit more structure and guiding than the Clarity Journal provided. Furthermore I was curious about the psychological backing the other journal from urbestself comes with. As of today […]

Different needs, different tools!

What made me change the journals earlier than expected… That unexpected clarity which I gained after some weeks working with the Clarity Journal made me take a medically forced prescribed rest to get healthy again. My days almost instantly looked quite different compared to how they looked when I started off with the Clarity Journal. […]