[this is the English and update version of Agile Living – Eine Kurzgeschichte [DE] from 2019]
We are in the year 2011. Constanze, in her early 30s and a computer scientist, has
Extract from my story Agile Living in the book Agile Short Stories
already been in her profession for several years. As a software developer, she has
already seen several agile projects from the inside: Successful implementations with
great teams that continuously create sustainable value for enthusiastic people.
Likewise, she has seen prescribed, superficial, even “Agile” that is burning people
out – far from the core ideas of the Agile Manifesto such as “individuals and
interactions more than processes and tools”.
If you ask Constanze what, in her view, are the secret ingredients of successful,
sustainable agile working, it is quite clear to her: change willingness and change
But what about agility beyond work? What about reflection in life? What about
sustainable growth to constantly keep going at a steady pace? And is there
simplicity in life, beyond the office? That is what Constanze was about to find out
very soon, and that is what this story is about. […]
These are the first paragraphs of ‘Agile Living’, my contribution to the #AgileShortStories book launched in 2019 (in German, ISBN-978-3947487059) and translated to English in 2021 (ISBN 978-3947487158)
Don’t we all know “that burnt-out colleague” or even entirely unmotivated teams?
Extract from my story Agile Living in the book Agile Short Stories
Teams that would be willing to change something, but whose batteries are simply
too empty to effectively tackle and sustainably implement change.
How do you get out of this situation?
These stories invite you as readers, to learn from each other as human beings. With the purchase of our book Agile Short Stories – 34 Stories about Becoming and Staying Agile you also support Flying Hope e.V.
Buy directly at BoD and gift yourself the inspiration and experience from authors like Miriam Sasse (editor), Joachim Pfeffer (editor), Jutta Eckstein, Gerhard Wohland, Daniel Mezick, Veronika Kotrba, Ralph Miarka, Cosima Laube and many more – 30 authors in total!
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You can get my full story as a PDF by sending me a brief mail (mail AT main domain name of this blog).