Tag: change willingness

Agile Living – A Story from #AgileShortStories

[this is the English and update version of Agile Living – Eine Kurzgeschichte [DE] from 2019] We are in the year 2011. Constanze, in her early 30s and a computer scientist, hasalready been in her profession for several years. As a software developer, she hasalready seen several agile projects from the inside: Successful implementations withgreat […]

10 reasons why you should _NOT_ start Bullet Journaling (III)

Do you still keep your structured daily journal? Or even worse: are you still keen on starting one? Obviously you didn’t read parts one and two of this series. Wait, you DID?? And you’re still convinced that you should start with Bullet Journaling pretty soon? Then here are two more arguments that should finally stop […]

Agile Living – Eine Kurzgeschichte [DE]

[Update 10/2022: Aktualisierung aller Links auf die 2. Ausgabe von 2021] [Update 06/2020: für alle digitalen Lese-Fans gibt es inzwischen eine eBook-Ausgabe unseres Buches (z.B. hier bei Buch7)] [Update 01/2020: nun gibt es auch ein Glossar zum Buch (klick) – für alle neugierigen und gerne dazu lernenden Menschen. Sehr empfehlenswert!] Wir befinden uns im Jahr […]

The streak – a story on habits, on bragging and on limiting beliefs

Recently I noticed a difference in something that is already a routine for me. At first, I didn’t spend much attention or even appreciation to that. Why? Yeah, because it appeared like a “small unimportant thing” for me. (sidenote: I learned that this kind of deprecational, judgemental thinking can contribute to serious health problems… but […]