Tag: courage

Why ranting is challenging

Recently I wrote about middle aged white seemingly successful “dudes” sharing and hyping only stuff from other dudes. Well, I didn’t just write about it. I did rant about it. In a private setting. It truly bugged me to see that all they have and know seem to be other DUDES. It bugged me to […]

The streak – a story on habits, on bragging and on limiting beliefs

Recently I noticed a difference in something that is already a routine for me. At first, I didn’t spend much attention or even appreciation to that. Why? Yeah, because it appeared like a “small unimportant thing” for me. (sidenote: I learned that this kind of deprecational, judgemental thinking can contribute to serious health problems… but […]

Courage is fear walking

So, I’ve been quite brave this morning. Some would say “nah, that was just a trivial, little thing” or “don’t brag with that”. This blog post is not about bragging. And it is also not about measuring or comparing my action. It is about gratitude. It is about inspiration. It is about life. Let’s start […]

How to make the (journaling) habit stick…

A week ago I started sharing my journaling journey with you. As of today I am journaling since 74 days, doing it daily on 72 of those and having made two days of pause. That data is from my habit tracking app which I also used to track the progress of my new journaling habit. […]