On my Bullet Journaling journey I started a “podcast nuggets” custom collection during my 2nd Bullet Journal (BuJo) book. Now I am half-way through the 3rd BuJo book and – already for a while – I am thinking about making a blogpost for those podcast nuggets.
So here it is! I have three goals in mind:
- maintain ONE podcast nugget list (mainly valuable for me :))
- share inspiration for possibly new podcasts and topics by sharing my “nugget list” for you
- show my gratitude to the podcast hosts
Agile in 3 Minutes
Link: https://agilein3minut.es
Podcast-Host: Amitai Schleier (https://latentagility.com/)
- Episode 3 on Trust: https://agilein3minut.es/3/
- Episode 37 on Listen: https://agilein3minut.es/37/
Psychologists Off The Clock
Link: https://www.offtheclockpsych.com/
Podcast hosting team: see https://www.offtheclockpsych.com/about-us
- Episode 43 on Willpower with Kelly McGonigal (https://www.offtheclockpsych.com/podcast/kelly-mcgonigal)
People Soup Podcast
Link: http://www.rossmcintosh.co.uk/
Podcast-Host: Ross McIntosh
- Season 3 Episode 16 with Dr Becky Quicke the ‘Menopause Psychologist’
http://www.rossmcintosh.co.uk/2019/12/dr-becky-quicke-menopause-psychologist.html - Season 3 Episode 18 with Dr Dayna Lee-Baggley on ‘Health Habits Suck’
The Psychology Podcast
Link: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/
Podcast-Host: Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman
- Episode 177 with Steven Hayes on ‘Liberate Your Mind’
https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/liberate-your-mind-with-steven-hayes/ - Episode 193 with Dr. Judith Orloff on ‘Thriving as an Empath‘: https://scottbarrykaufman.com/podcast/thriving-as-an-empath-with-judith-orloff/
With Great People Podcast
Link: https://kasperowski.com/podcast/
Podcast-Host: Richard Kasperowski
- Episode 29 on ‘Team Transformation Canvas‘ – Want an awesome team? Start with you!: https://kasperowski.com/podcast-29-richard-kasperowski/
Scrum meistern (DE) Podcast
Link: https://www.enablechange.de/category/podcasts/
Podcast-Host: Ralf Kruse
- Episode from 26th of March 2020 on the Scrum Master role with Björn Jensen: https://www.enablechange.de/2020/03/26/der-scrum-master-nachlese-interview-mit-bjoern-jensen/
Agile Growth Podcast (DE)
Link: twoagilists.de
Podcast-Hosts: Jasmine Simons-Zahno & Kai Simons
- Episode 5 from 23rd of October 2019 on Couple Retrospectives – the secret sauce in healthy relationships: https://agilegrowth.podigee.io/5-paar-retrospektiven-substanz-fur-eine-beziehung
Unlocking us Podcast
Link: https://brenebrown.com/unlockingus/
Podcast-Host: Brené Brown
added: 2020-05-17
- Episode from 20th of March 2020 on FFT (F*cking First Times): https://brenebrown.com/podcast/brene-on-ffts/
- Episode from 9th of December 2020 on Revisiting FFTs and Resting Our Tired Brains:
Produktwerker Podcast (DE)
Link: https://produktwerker.de/podcast/
Podcast-Hosts: Dominique Winter, Oliver Winter, Tim Klein
added: 2020-05-17
- Episode from 9th March 2020 on ‘Being your own product (as a product owner – and beyond)’ with Dominique Winter: https://produktwerker.de/sei-dein-eigenes-produkt/. Dominique also talks about keeping a paper notebook and doing personal retrospectives – that resonated a lot with my journaling journey.
Frauensache Podcast (DE)
Link: https://frauensache.podigee.io/
Podcast-Host: Sina Oberle
added: 2020-09-22
- Episode 39 from 09th September 2020 on ‘The moon cycle and the female cycle’ with Susana Garcia Ferreira: https://frauensache.podigee.io/39-die-mondphasen-und-der-weibliche-zyklus-im-interview-mit-autorin-susana
Agile Teamcoaching Podcast (DE)
Link: https://agileteamcoaching.de/
Podcast-Hosts: Daniel Hommel, Armin Schubert
added: 2020-09-22
- Up to now I can recommend the whole podcast: a nice length of each episode between 30 and 45-ish minutes, authentic podcast hosts that share both their human-being and their professional stories. For me this is entertaining, relaxing and education – all in one. Almost like a Kinder-Überraschung (for those who know that German sweets-for-kids advertisement :)).
Eigenstimmig Podcast (DE)
Link: https://eigenstimmig.de/
Podcast-Hosts: Sarah Schäfer & Julia Meder
added: 2020-12-06
- The episode with Vivien Ulmer from 06th December 2020 is called “Textliche Begeisterung” in German and I cannot even translate that to appropriate English words. It’s an episode about courage, texting, creativity, self-employment, making dreams come true & much more. You have to tune in for yourself: https://eigenstimmig.de/vivien-ulmer/
Coaching Agile Teams (a Mini Series from Women In Agile Podcasts)
Link: https://womeninagile.org/podcast/podcast-library/
Podcast-Hosts: Leslie Morse & Lyssa Adkins
added: 2021-03-26
- Episode 11 is called Models: Your Building Blocks for Agile Coaching. For me this episode is such a treasure trove of useful models – models to start a conversation with the people you are coaching as a Team Coach. Also Lyssa an Leslie create such a light yet deep atmosphere that I found it a pleasure to listen to AND learn something on-the-go with ease. Thank you Lyssa & Leslie for creating this podcast.
Oh and: it has wonderful show notes to dig and dive deeper into the models. Did I already say it: a treasure trove! 🙂
Tara Brach’s Podcast
Link: https://www.tarabrach.com/
Podcast-Hosts: Tara Brach
added: 2021-04-13
- Radical Self-Honesty: The Joy of getting real
The only episode that I listened twice – in a row. So dense, intense and valuable (for me). And I guess, I might listen a third time on some other walk in the future. (The first two times also happend while enjoying a spring-time walk in nature. Thinking. Pondering. Being inspired.
Lieb & Denkig Podcast (DE)
Link: https://s7ja0o.podcaster.de/podcasts/liebunddenkig/
Podcast-Hosts: Anna-Lena Lorenz & Ilja Preuss
added: 2021-04-13
- Episode 11 is all around balance, (healthy) stress & relaxation. Inside I had to nod soo many times while listening to this episode… because I either do so as well – like NOT fully planning out my work-days if possible… and mostly it is. _I_ make it possible! Past me thought “this is a luxury”. Today’s me knows: I NEED to give me ample time to reflect, process, recharge… to then be at my current best in a healthy (eu)stressful situation.
While writing this, I guess this is why this episode touched me so much; it again delivers a deep-going topic with ease and so much inspirational moments.
So: if you haven’t discovered the Lieb & Denkig Podcast tune in. Now! If you already have: jump to episode 11 & listen.
To be continued…