Tag: teams

Uncovering teams’ blind spots

This week I was joining “that informal morning coffee conversation” of a team I’m coaching – and we made some team coaching magic happen. The team made progress, “just” with basic professional skills like listening and visualization. It felt like a true remote-work achivement that made the Agile Coach in me very joyful. Some context […]

Workshop on Sustainable Retrospectives @ AgileTable Friedrichshafen

In my post on the first Agile Table Friedrichshafen I was just writing about Daniel Hommel‘s offer to visit us. Now for our second Agile Table meeting mid of September, he already visited us which made me very glad & thankful that he travelled that far to support us. From the beginning… Seven people from […]

Retrospective insights: Doing an amazon-like review of your sprint

Or: Condensing a couple of weeks to stars and a catchline… Last time I blogged about team retrospectives I presented my first experience with the Zombie Retro Format. Today is about the “Amazon Review”, an activity for setting the stage contributed by Christian Heißing to the Retromat. Btw: The retromat website project created by Corinna Baldauf […]