Catching up and warming up after the break…
Yesterday it has been exactly three months since I wrote my last blogpost here on ‘Harvest, rest and celebrate… and possibly take some writing pause’. I wanted to be serious with ‘(stop starting,) start finishing’ – I really took the writing pause – and I’ve been successfull with that! Yeayh!

Today it’s also six days after I finally wrote my last exam of the studies in psychology which was about Health Psychology. Whooohoooo!
And all this means: I am BACK writing, reflecting, sharing! 🙂
Some things will change here, some things will stay the same (for now).
Today it’s all about three things: a little reflection, a little celebration and a little warm-up.
3 things I noticed during the last three months:
- it relieved me that I created myself more space with the option to take a writing pause
- it helped a lot (mentally) to have my writing pause announced beforehand… and not just being quite and “nobody knows about the status” (like sometimes people do in real life, don’t they?)
- focussing on finishing stuff before starting new exciting things is still super HARD for me (which is good on the other hand because I know I have passion and excitement for those things)
3 things I actively changed during the last three months:
- I used visualisations of my achievements and for my next (part)goals (to keep me motivated and to self-check if I am still on the pathes I want to be on)
- I created new routines in my daily life with running, yoga and body-weight training and healthy food with the help of my its-mainly-there-to-have-a-target goal project42
- I decided to connect with a truly wonderful soul who now walks a part of my life journey with me and allows me walking a part of his life journey with him
3+3 highlights of the last three months:
- late in June being the third time part of the wonderful Agile Coach Camp Germany(ACCDE18) crowd and the first time being part of the organiser team with Armin Schubert, Björn Radon and Gitte Klitgaard.
- early in July (finally) taking part in my first Coaching Cocktails Retrospective with Deb and Steve which was an intense online session with a handful of other awesome international people and where the results I developed with the support of the others had an impact multiple times over the last months
- creating and, early in August, delivering a session on ‘Gratitude (also) in business’ together with Armin Schubert at the Scrum Usergroup in Karlsruhe and reaching, touching, moving almost 100 people with this important topic which is very dear to Armin and me
- mid of August being invited to the Java Usergroup Darmstadt (JUGDA) for sharing insights, impulses and ideas in a workshop on modern leadership and gardening (yes, gardening!!) with about 25 people and also having a lot of great conversations
- end of August taking part in my very first Agile Lean Europe Open Space (ALE18) in Zurich, being impressed by the diversity and richness of this open and welcoming community and also learning to take care of my body if it calls for some extra rest (even if that happens in a very inappropriate moment)
- early in September being in Nueremberg, meeting ‘old’ friends like Werner and Dennis and awesome new people for deep conversations or new impulses at or around the Herbstcampus confernce and – finally – writing my last exam there.
2(+1) things that will(might) change on my blog:
- I will experiment with regular time-boxed writing times
- I aim for shorter articles around one topic
- I might change the technical platform to make writing/publishing easier for me
That’s it for today. Stay tuned! There’s more and I promise: it won’t take another three months ;)…
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