OOP 2020 – Into The Unknown – Minimum Viable Blogpost

This year I decided to try a new approach to blogging after a full week of OOP ‘software meets business’ conference: no more telling myself “this needs to be a full review” (whatever kind of “full” that is ;-)), no more “waiting until I have collected all that what I wanted to write-up”.

On Learning

When I browse my notebooks history for OOPmuc as a tag I sometimes get embarrassed like I do when seeing year-old code that I wrote. Obviously that indicates that I learned A LOT and am still learning (yay!). Otherwise I’d be kind of dead I guess… or how do YOU call that start of “not learning anymore”? What I am grateful for when I look back on 4 years of OOP now, are all the inspirations I got, all the connections I made, all the wonderful unique people I meet every year.

On Walking the Talk

Ok, so, no more loooong #OOPmuc blogpost! Instead I’m finally eating my own dogfood here and start with a MVB (minimum viable blogpost) – this one. And I’ll write as many small(ish) blogposts about OOP that you as readers and me as the owner of this notebook (which is part of what I call “my external brain” :)) find useful.

… to be continued (eventually) …

Now what?

What else are YOU (e.g. as a participant, as twitter spectator) finding useful? What should I write about next in the context of OOP 2020?

Take care,