Tag: journaling

10 reasons why you should _NOT_ start Bullet Journaling (III)

Do you still keep your structured daily journal? Or even worse: are you still keen on starting one? Obviously you didn’t read parts one and two of this series. Wait, you DID?? And you’re still convinced that you should start with Bullet Journaling pretty soon? Then here are two more arguments that should finally stop […]

10 reasons why you should _NOT_ start Bullet Journaling (II)

After reading the first part of this “Beware of Bullet Journaling”-series, I hope that – IF you practised this method to free your self to achieve what truly matters to you – already stopped doing it. 😉 If not, here are three more arguments why you should really stop it! In fact, Bullet Journaling can […]

10 reasons why you should _NOT_ start Bullet Journaling (I)

As you might remember, I started reading ‘The Bullet Journal Method’ by Ryder Carroll early in May this year (see this last post for details). The intention back then was to learn about this method to then decide if Bullet Journaling is the next step and boost on my journaling journey. For Christmas I collected […]

Using the space that emerged wisely

About a month ago my 6-Minutes-Diary ran out of pages. One thing was crystal clear: I wanted to keep the journaling routine as it has value for different ‘customers’ of different ‘services’ in my life. In other words: establishing that habit and ‘making a vow’ worked really well. It didn’t take long to decide what […]

Change hurts!

On my first weeks with the 6-Minutes-Diary (…and three months later) The preceding post described in what situation I started out to use the 6-Minutes-Diary: needing a bit more structure and guiding than the Clarity Journal provided. Furthermore I was curious about the psychological backing the other journal from urbestself comes with. As of today […]

Different needs, different tools!

What made me change the journals earlier than expected… That unexpected clarity which I gained after some weeks working with the Clarity Journal made me take a medically forced prescribed rest to get healthy again. My days almost instantly looked quite different compared to how they looked when I started off with the Clarity Journal. […]

WTF?? Did I really want to be THAT honest to myself?

On my first weeks with the Clarity Journal Like already written in the initial blogpost of that series, the Clarity Journal (Klarheit Journal in German) was the first one I started my daily journaling experiment with. Before delving into some of my personal experiences, here are some key facts about the Clarity Journal: it is […]

How to make the (journaling) habit stick…

A week ago I started sharing my journaling journey with you. As of today I am journaling since 74 days, doing it daily on 72 of those and having made two days of pause. That data is from my habit tracking app which I also used to track the progress of my new journaling habit. […]

On using a daily journal

In summer this year Armin Schubert and me gave a couple of talks on a topic we are both truly passionate about: Gratitude. Basically we talked about how you can leverage insights from Positive Psychology in your day-to-day (work)life – and we shared a bunch of methods for individuals and team to foster flourishing and resilience. […]

(Daily) retroflection – Looking back regularly as a self-improvement tool

At the Coach Reflection Day 2016 in Fürth, Martin searched two hand full of volunteers to try a month-long experiment with Retroflection Cards together. Short experiment description Everyone took home 30 small cards with questions on working in an agile environment. These cards are called retroflection cards; you can find more information about them on […]