What made me change the journals earlier than expected…
That unexpected clarity which I gained after some weeks working with the Clarity Journal made me take a medically forced prescribed rest to get healthy again.

My days almost instantly looked quite different compared to how they looked when I started off with the Clarity Journal. And I can tell you: it was NOT easy at that time. It might read easy and appear straightforward to you. And with a little distance – today it also appears a bit like that to me.
In the verge of those days in late autumn it was not at all! It was super hard. I was doubting almost whole days in a row. I felt disappointed, angry, exhausted and much more – all the the same time.

From my professional life I knew that during periods of uncertainty a little additional structure than usual can be quite helpful. After letting go an old belief which goes like “what you started needs to be finished” I allowed myself to pause the Clarity Journal . And I started with the 6-Minutes-Diary.
Why? Exactly because it is that bit more guiding and more structured that I needed.
Stay tuned for the last part of my blogpost series on how change hurts… and my first weeks with the 6-Minutes-Diary.
Take care,