Tag: from dev to scrum master

Start with what you have

Two short stories about passion, focus, eating my own dogfood & having valuable connections The last couple of days I stumbled over starting (or dealing) with what I have in its best sense and in multiple variations. Today I share two of these little stories: Passion for work The first story on starting with what […]

New challenges ahead

From developer to Scrum Master – from tech-focus to people-focus When writing about my personal retro of 2016 and the three big goals I have for 2017, I just was able to write about two of them at that time. The third one in that (unordered) goal triple is: stepping out of my comfort zone […]

Random New Year Ramblings

Some more personal retrospective 2016 bits & thoughts for the new year 2017 New Year’s Eve 2016 has been special for me as I deliberately spent it on my own. Just on my own. For the first time ever. Looking back on yesterday it was kind of ‘slack time’ for me. Nothing to do, nothing […]

Intervision – Was ist das und wie macht man das?

Fallberatung und Reflexion unter agilen Kollegen Anfang Oktober durfte ich am Coach Reflection Day (CoRe Day) in Karlsruhe teilnehmen. Ich nahm ein ganzes Bündel voll toller Ideen und wertvoller Impulse mit. Den ersten davon möchte ich heute im Rahmen dieses Blogartikels teilen – und ich werde ihn auch als Impuls zum nächsten Treffen des Agile […]

Workshop on Sustainable Retrospectives @ AgileTable Friedrichshafen

In my post on the first Agile Table Friedrichshafen I was just writing about Daniel Hommel‘s offer to visit us. Now for our second Agile Table meeting mid of September, he already visited us which made me very glad & thankful that he travelled that far to support us. From the beginning… Seven people from […]

Keeping positive moments… and starting “stories for life”

Lately I had a couple of days in a row where several people gave me really nice feedback on various domains of my work & life. I felt I had to “serialize” them somehow so that I can load them into my RAM [1] again once I will face tough times. Thought it. Done it. […]

Retrospective insights: Doing an amazon-like review of your sprint

Or: Condensing a couple of weeks to stars and a catchline… Last time I blogged about team retrospectives I presented my first experience with the Zombie Retro Format. Today is about the “Amazon Review”, an activity for setting the stage contributed by Christian Heißing to the Retromat. Btw: The retromat website project created by Corinna Baldauf […]

Software Craftsmanship – Craftsman Swaps & Agile?

Auf den Begriff Craftsman Swap bin ich das erste Mal durch Nicole Rauch aufmerksam geworden, die ich auf dem MATHEMA Campus 2015 in Erlangen kennenlernte. Ursprünglich kommt der Begriff aus der Welt des Software Craftsmanship wo es vor allem um Professionalisierung unseres Berufsstandes geht; dazu gehört unter anderem auch professioneller Austausch der “Handwerker” untereinander sowie […]

(Daily) retroflection – Looking back regularly as a self-improvement tool

At the Coach Reflection Day 2016 in Fürth, Martin searched two hand full of volunteers to try a month-long experiment with Retroflection Cards together. Short experiment description Everyone took home 30 small cards with questions on working in an agile environment. These cards are called retroflection cards; you can find more information about them on […]